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Dominique Page 2

  He stopped mid-sentence and looked at me. “You can do whatever you put your mind to, and I would like you to listen to me for a moment.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right. I can see the concern in your eyes. I want you to know I am a gentle dominant. I am not interested in causing you a great deal of pain. I am not a sadist in that sense. I am a patient teacher. Don’t get me wrong, I will punish you with vigour should you require it, but I imagine it will be rare.”

  I nodded, relieved but unable to respond. He continued.

  “Dominique, I won’t do anything to scare you away. But I will be pushing you to learn about yourself and what you are capable of doing to please me. You can stop me, or leave, at any time.”

  “No!” I gasped, getting confused. I didn’t want to think about him not being there.

  “You want to feel more, don’t you?”

  “I ... Yes ...” I managed, more softly this time.

  “Come with me.” He rose to his feet and took my hand in his. I had to walk briskly to keep up. We were outside and he was unlocking a car door for me. “Hop in,” he said, opening the door and holding it for me. I felt afraid again and hesitated. “Always do exactly as I ask Dominique. You can trust me. Don’t worry, we are not going anywhere.”

  Somewhat reassured, I slid into the passenger side seat. He walked around to his side, smiling at me through the windscreen. I was a jumble of nerves and ridiculously turned on. I wished I had panties on and hoped I wasn’t staining my new dress. Or his car! He climbed in his side and closed the door behind him. The interior light went out and it was almost dark. As my eyes adjusted to the light filtering in from the street lamps, he turned his body and looked me in the eyes unwaveringly. “Lift up your skirt.”

  Glancing around the car, I noticed there were not many people on the street at this hour. I was unlikely to be seen. “I ...”

  “Look in my eyes. Do as I ask, lift up your skirt.” I blushed and did it, gazing into his green eyes. He never even tried to peek at me. “Move your knees apart.” I swallowed, staring at him, and did it. It was surreal.

  “Don’t hesitate.”

  “I-I won’t, S-Sir.” It just came out. It felt right. I don’t know why. I knew his name was Andrew. It would be a long time before I felt confident enough to use his name.

  “Turn toward me.” I did. “Slide your finger into your pussy then take it out and show me.” I did and I was so wet! “Good girl.”

  “Th-Thank you, Sir,” I said breathlessly.

  “Again,” he said, waiting and watching. “Over and over.” I slid my single finger in and out of myself, the feelings rushing down my spine. It was only going to be moments! My hips rose off the leather seat to meet my thrusting finger. I pumped it faster and faster. My other fingers were curled and bumping against my clit. In a matter of seconds I became oblivious to everything around me. I couldn’t believe I was doing this on a city street, even though I knew I was safe. I could feel myself clamp around my finger as a moan built in my chest.

  “Cum,” he commanded.

  Oh, God! Did I ever! I unleashed the moan and felt myself turn inside out. I trembled and shook, right there in the passenger seat of his car. I could feel his hands on my knees keeping my legs open. His touch was like fire, and I came and came. He was gently stroking my thigh as I came around.

  He reached up and caressed my cheek. “How can you not want this?”

  “I-I want this ...”

  “I’m pleased,” he said.

  We didn’t stay. Considering her excited state, I offered to take her home and she accepted gratefully. Sitting in the car outside her apartment building, I took down her address and phone number. “I want to see you tomorrow,” I said simply.

  “Y-Yes, Sir. I-I want to see you too.”

  “You had a good time tonight, didn’t you?”

  “It was incredible. I’ve never done anything like that before. I hope no one saw.”

  “I saw.” She swallowed and blushed, nodding and looked down in her lap. “Look at me.” She did. “Dominique, you are beautiful, and the pleasure you gave yourself pleased me more than words can express.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You are welcome. I will pick you up from here tomorrow at two P.M., unless you work on Saturdays?”

  “I’ll be here early.”

  “Good, then I might arrive early,” I said, smiling.

  We spent most of the next day together, getting to know each other and discussing generalities. She was a genuinely soft and gentle person, with a deferring manner that I was quick to adore. There was little to dislike about her. Twenty-seven years of age. University educated. Five years experience in the marketing field. A realistic view of relationships and marriage. Our needs and wants appeared to dovetail. We fit. After several hours talking over coffee and watching the day go by through a plate glass window, we strolled around a nearby park, working off the caffeine.

  “If we play tennis, do I have to let you win?” she asked, biting her lip as we walked side-by-side, not quite touching.

  “You only have to let me win ... when I choose the game.”

  “New rules for me, Sir.”

  “As I said, I’ll be patient, up to a point. They are easy to follow. You will learn that there is more freedom within clearly defined boundaries than when there are none. Having limitless expectations placed upon you can be stifling.”

  She nodded as if in deep thought then paused on the path winding through the wooded park. Two children rode by on bicycles, ringing the bells. I picked a flower for her and turned her toward me. Placing it in her hair as she gazed up at me, I quietly asked her what she was thinking.

  “I think I’m dreaming.”

  “I’m pleased it’s not a nightmare.”

  “Oh, it’s not, Sir,” she insisted. “It’s just ... daunting. But with your help, I think I can do this.”

  “I have a feeling you are right.”

  I kissed her. I could no longer resist. She melted into my arms and our mouths fused, eyes closing in the delicious sensations. Another bicycle bell rang and we stepped off the path laughing.

  “Kissing is hazardous here,” she said, a blush rising in her cheeks.

  “Come home with me.” She looked at me, shielding her eyes from the afternoon sun, as the meaning of my words dawned. “You can call it a trial, but I would expect you to move in with me permanently in the future.”

  “This is very sudden.”

  “You would make me wait?” I asked, arching a brow and grinning.

  “Wow. Um, no. I wouldn’t want to do that.”

  “If you feel that you are not up to it, if it’s beyond you, if you have no attraction to me, if you don’t feel something happening here ... if you can’t see yourself with me ... then I should step back now.” And I did. I took a step back from her.

  Things happen for a reason. Perhaps I was crying out for some excitement in my life. My mother would be mortified to think I was even contemplating it. But I wasn’t mortified. I was in awe. Somehow this man seemed like everything I could have hoped for in my dreams and fantasies. I had no idea what he might expect of me specifically, but whenever he spoke, his words sliced through me unquestioningly. I knew I could trust him to take care of me. I knew it in my bones.

  I will never forget the look in his eyes as he stepped back from me, daring me, challenging me, pleading with me. It was a moment of choice and I knew it. Recalling what I’d read, I understood what was happening. I was being asked to accept him as my mentor, as my Sir.

  The hand covering my eyes fell to my side, and I stepped forward. Just a small step. My chest was rising and falling rapidly. I stepped forward again and stopped. I was right in front of him. My eyes were centred in his chest and my hand came up slowly, covering his heart. “I will go wherever you wish to take me,” I whispered.

  We walked up the steps to my front door and I put down her suitcase on the landing, withdrawing my
key and sliding it into the lock. I paused, gazing at her seriously. I had to give her one more chance. Even now, this close, I would have given her up if her heart wasn’t in it. “Dominique, I want you to know that by entering my home you are passing over a threshold. You won’t get to dictate how things happen any more. By entering my home, you are entrusting yourself to me. You can always leave, but you should know that if you do, you will never return. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  She swallowed before responding. “I-I know this is a big step, Sir. But ‘yes’. It’s exactly what I want ... it’s exactly what I need.”

  “Good. Then we have work to do,” I said, turning the key in the lock.

  “Y-Yes, Sir.”

  Chapter 2

  Inside the front door, Andrew put down my suitcase and picked up a remote control from a side table, pressing a series of buttons. “I’ll give you the alarm codes later,” he said, pointing the remote in different directions, pressing more buttons and bringing his home to life. “And I’ll show you how to use this, too.”

  “Wow,” I said softly, gazing in wonder as lights came up and soft music began playing.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Tearing my eyes from the amazing home before me, I looked up at him. He seemed ... I don’t know ... Relaxed? And yet, there was something else there. Anticipation maybe? The excitement in his eyes was intoxicating. He put down the remote and stepped close to me, taking my hands in his.

  “I’ll give you the guided tour, on one condition,” he said softly.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Close your eyes and put your hands behind your back.”

  I swallowed. “Yes, S-Sir.” I did as he asked, trembling almost uncontrollably as I closed my eyes. He stepped behind me and I felt his strong fingers lightly caressing my upper arms. Before he spoke, his breath on the side of my neck sent tingles down my spine. With his fingers he adjusted my hair, tucking the flow of it behind my ear, allowing him unobstructed access to the sensitive skin there.

  His warm lips made contact, barely brushing against me as he whispered, “I am going to handcuff you now. Let the feelings flow through you. Don’t hold them back. You are allowed to be a little frightened, but always remember my promise to keep you safe.” Then he kissed my ear softly.

  “Y-Yes, Sir,” I managed, shaking with the strangest mix of dread and pure blinding excitement. I actually had to remember to breathe! Sensing he had stepped back a little, I felt the cold steel close around my wrists and ratchet closed.

  I just had to test them. I separated my fingers and pulled gently outwards. A surge of pleasure rolled up my thighs, through my groin and tingled across my stomach, raising gooseflesh on my skin. I was not going to be able to free myself. Behind my closed eyes, I felt his movement as he walked around me slowly. Now and again he would touch me. Not somewhere intimate. First he touched my hip, then my shoulder. Then he was in front of me. His fingers caressed down the line of my jaw. I was shaking and my knees felt weak!

  “Open your eyes,” he said. “Do not speak.”

  Gazing up at him, I nodded in understanding. He was close to me, and again his hands held my upper arms. His touch was light, yet firm enough to be reassuring.

  I had never done anything like this in my life. Dreaming and fantasising about it didn’t hold a candle to this. I had never been bound in any way. I had imagined it to be very exciting, but actually being handcuffed was beyond surreal. My body tingled all over and I wondered what might happen next.

  I wasn’t sure if events were moving too quickly, or whether he was taking his time with me. I knew nothing about his methods or how fast things might happen. I only knew general information on the lifestyle and while there was plenty I could hardly wait to experience, there was also a lot that made me nervous, even afraid. I mean, my parents had never even spanked me!

  God, I suddenly wondered, is he going to spank me? He had a small smile playing on his lips as he stared into my eyes. Was he reading my mind? I was handcuffed and at his mercy! I tried to suppress a nervous giggle at my thoughts by thinking about being spanked. It worked!

  “Come on,” he said playfully. “Let me show you around.”

  I nodded and smiled up at him. He took my elbow in his hand, guiding me from room to room, and I was so impressed. I couldn’t help wondering what something like this must cost. It was like a home out of a modern decorating magazine. Soaring angled ceilings and high windows would light the entranceway during the day, and the white walls would reflect light around the rooms brightly. But in the evening, the character would change to what it was now, exuding class and designer perfection. Fish tanks much taller than they were wide flanked a split-level sunken lounge room. A minimalist effect was provided by the sparse décor, including floor-mounted sculptures, and white leather lounges. Large black cushions appeared in places they might in a professional photo shoot.

  “I tidied up a bit,” he said, winking at me. All I could do was beam!

  The high walls were neatly adorned with small paintings under cleverly concealed spotlights, and as Andrew and I swung through the house, little surprises awaited like recessed nooks with soft lighting and small abstract sculptures. I wondered if he had a hobby in works of art. I paused for a moment in the dining room, with an amazing rectangular inlaid table before me. Without thinking I screwed up my nose at a horrible thought.

  He had been talking about the artist who created the tiled abstract inlay and I couldn’t help thinking Andrew had to have been one of the richest men I’d ever dated. Even the richest I’d ever met. I felt a tinge of discomfort, wishing I could bring my fair share into the equation. I had very little in comparison, and never really needed a lot. I thought I should tell him I would never take advantage of him.

  He had been watching me carefully the whole time, much to my chagrin. I bit my lip when I realised he must have seen me screw up my nose.

  “What is on your mind, Dominique?” he asked, his smile fading.

  “I-I, um ...” Oh my God, I thought. I can’t lie now! “I-I was just ... Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. I’m trying to find words!”

  “Take your time.”

  “I-I just was thinking all this must cost a fortune. I was just feeling a little intimidated and inadequate, I guess. And um, I was also wanting to tell you I think your home is beautiful and I ... oh, how do I say this! I’m sorry, Sir!”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t want you to ever think I’d want your money!” Fuck! That was hard! I hoped I wasn’t in trouble already!

  “Oh, Dominique. You are so delightful. Thank you for being forthright.” He chuckled. “Please, give it no further thought. Enjoy being surrounded by beautiful things. I have no fear of you. You wouldn’t dream of such a thing, I know that much about you already,” he said, winking.

  Suddenly images from some of my lurid dreams drifted across my mind and I flushed with confused pleasure. I wondered if I would have to tell him about them too. If my hands weren’t cuffed together, I would have slapped my forehead. Of course, you dummy. You are going to have to tell him everything!

  Remembering I might be in trouble, I asked, “Sir?”

  “Dominique, in future, if you wish to ask a question, first ask if you may do so.”

  I was rocked from my train of thought and felt the heat rising in my cheeks. Nevertheless, I understood what he was asking. “Y-Yes, Sir. May I ask a question please, Sir?”

  “Certainly. What would you like to know?”

  “Well, I-I was just wondering a-are you going to spank me, Sir?”

  “Have you been naughty, Dominique?”

  “Oh! I don’t know, Sir!”

  “Well then, I would not spank you unless I told you that you had displeased me and I explained why. Then we would discuss a punishment and if we agree that a spanking was appropriate, it would proceed.” He smiled a little before continuing. “Of course, on occasions I might simply want to spank you. You do have a lovely ass.�

  “Oh,” I whispered. “Y-Yes, Sir. Um, thank you.” God.

  “And Dominique?”

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “In future, and until I decide otherwise, you will refer to yourself as ‘this girl’ or something similar, and not ‘I’, understood?”

  “Yes, Sir. Um, th-this girl u-understands.” I was so nervous. I just hoped I didn’t make a mistake.


  Dominique continued to delight. It was clear she had taken my requirement for honesty to heart. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Her shiny blue-black hair was smooth and lustrous against my lips. It shimmered when she moved and I thought it was one of her best features, along with her eyes. Dominique had lovely sky blue eyes. Hearing her breath shorten as I kissed her widened my smile. When I leaned back, I was pleased by her willingness to learn something new.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, softly. “Um, this girl u-understands.”


  I took her arm again and continued leading her through the house, showing her the kitchen, then my den, then upstairs to the master bedroom. It was apparent she was very impressed and commented excitedly on things that caught her eye. I deliberately avoided unveiling my ‘study’. Rebecca had called it my ‘study’ and the name stuck. She said it was because of all the studying and practicing I did in there when we first discovered the lifestyle. When the time was right I would show Dominique. I would have to talk to her about Rebecca too. Later. For now, I showed her to her room.

  “May this one ask a question Sir?” she asked as we paused in the hallway outside the door.


  She was blushing furiously now, and I was looking forward to what she was going to say. “Well, I-I was kind of hoping to sleep in bed with you, Sir. Is, um ... Is this girl allowed to say that?”

  “Yes, you are allowed to say that, Dominique. You may ask or say anything, as long as you express the question or statement honestly and with respect. I would have preferred you to say, ‘This girl was kind of hoping ... But yes, in essence your question was within the bounds of what you may ask.”