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Dominique Page 7
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Page 7
Her trust wasn’t that strong.
I needed to show her another level, where trust was implicit and unquestionable. I was willing to go a long way with her, but how far had she come? I needed her on the same page as me. She had to be prepared to do exactly as I asked, even when it made no sense or was unpleasant for her. Unquestioningly. That was the level of trust that I wanted. And I started thinking long and hard about how to make it happen.
Eventually I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t do it on my own. I needed her to question her place in my life and to find new meaning in it. I needed her to discover for herself just how much more of herself she could give. I discarded some ideas for various reasons. But I kept returning to the same one. It was somewhat risky, and I didn’t want to freak her out and send her running away screaming, never to return. But then again, if she ran, just how deep were her feelings for me in the first place? My thoughts kept returning to something I had read many years ago. ‘One’s submissive may be subjected to all manner of things, as long as there is a reason for them.’ In other words, and within clear limits, the end justifies the means.
I had to decide just how much I was going to tell her. Should I tell her everything? Or nothing and see where the cards fell. I couldn’t do that. But I couldn’t give the whole game away either. I didn’t want her thinking I didn’t trust her. I honestly didn’t think that was the problem. But I did think it was the way to the solution.
With it just being the two of us, we never had occasion to talk about having other people or lovers in our lives. We were so wrapped up in each other it was never discussed. She had mentioned a couple of fantasies in passing, but I basically filed them away as being the normal fantasies of a passionate young woman, just as she had intended.
Seeing as I had pretty much dropped out of the lifestyle, Dominique had rarely met with the many friends and acquaintances I’d made over the years. I’d get the occasional phone call, and Dominique would ask how so and so was, though she had never met them. She did know Paul though. Paul and I stay in regular touch and he had met Dominique once at a mixer. He was a very good and solid friend. We had one of those friendships that goes way back, and I confided my plan to him. He made a few minor adjustments and it was agreed. The end justified the means. Now, if Dominique did as she had been taught to do, we could move on. Deeper. Together.
Before I left on my regular visit to the west coast office, I told Dominique Paul would be checking in on her, and that while he was here, she was to do as he said. I didn’t make it into a big deal, and she happily agreed. She liked Paul and had no fear of him. I think she pretty much forgot about it, imagining it would be a coffee and a chat type of situation.
Throwing a robe around myself, I wondered who might be at the door at this hour. I hoped it was Andrew, but dismissed the thought as he would have let himself in. Just in case, I ran my fingers through my hair in the hallway mirror before opening the big front door.
There stood Paul. I didn’t know he was coming ‘unannounced’ and was completely surprised. He looked at me intently, his eyes running slowly up and down the length of my body. I felt terribly under-dressed and vulnerable and instantly wished I had changed or thrown on something more substantial. I went to speak and he held up his hand to stop me. “Andrew asked me to check on you and make sure you weren’t getting up to no good,” he said, giving me a wink.
I smiled and nodded, stepping back and opening the door for him. He just stood there. “Um, please come in, Sir,” I said quickly.
“Thank you, Dominique. I will.”
I’m alone with a different dominant. What a strange feeling. In an instant I was completely off balance. I could feel how wet I was and had the bizarre thought that Paul knew I’d been masturbating. Of course, that made me blush even more, even though it was preposterous. It didn’t help that he was ruggedly handsome. He walked straight into the sunken lounge room and flopped on the leather sofa. I stopped at the top of the two steps, holding my robe together. The situation felt totally weird and once again I was wondering what was going on.
“May I get you anything, Sir? A-A drink or a coffee?”
“Scotch on the rocks please, Dominique. And make yourself a drink too.”
“Yes, Sir.” I don’t really like scotch so I made myself a vodka and orange. Returning with the drinks on a pretty silver tray, I held it out in front of him and smiled. As he looked up at me from his place on the couch, his eyes narrowed and a wash of anticipation raced over my skin.
I’ve known Paul a long time. We talk on the phone regularly, exchanging ideas and keeping abreast of any news. I trust him and he trusts me. “Paul, it’s Andrew.”
“Hey, Andrew! How’s things?”
“Great, buddy. Listen, you remember what we were talking about the other day?”
“Yeah, how could I forget?”
“Let’s do it.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.”
Paul didn’t look pleased. “Andrew called me today and asked me to drop in on you and make sure you weren’t slipping in his absence. I can’t say I’m impressed.”
“Get on your knees and serve me properly.”
On my knees? I swallowed wondering if he was taking advantage of me. Paul had never spoken to me like that before, but Andrew was always here. Is this right? Is this what happens when he’s not around? As gracefully as I could, I slipped to my knees, keeping them tightly together and bowing my head, offering the tray to Paul. On the inside I was going crazy. I wanted to ask if I could go change, but it didn’t seem right. Maybe he wouldn’t be staying?
“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.” By now I was on autopilot.
“Better,” he said, taking his glass. “Now, relax and enjoy your drink.”
“Thank you, Sir.” I sat back on my heels and placed the tray beside me. Pulling my robe together and holding it, I picked up my glass and sipped at the strong vodka. Andrew told me Paul might be dropping in, but I wasn’t expecting this. What’s going on? Is Paul allowed to treat me like this? Or ... or ... gosh what IS he allowed to do to me?
“Are you alright Dominique?”
“Yes Sir,” I said, unconvincingly. “I-I’ve just been busy doing um, housework this evening and I’m a little tired.” I blushed as Paul’s gaze intensified. He knew I lied straight away.
“Don’t lie to me,” he said evenly. “What have you been doing? I see you dressed in a robe with clearly nothing underneath. Why are you so nervous? Is there someone else here?”
I was completely taken aback. I thought he was going to accuse me of masturbating, not cheating on my Master. God! “Anyone else! Sir, there is no way I would-”
“Answer me!”
“I-I’m alone, Sir. I-I promise. I was um, masturbating when you arrived. That’s why I’m not properly dressed.” I burnt with shame at my admission. What possessed me to confess to him? He wasn’t my Master! Gathering some composure, I kneeled up straight and pushed my shoulders back, trying desperately to keep control. “Sir, I am very pleased you looked in on me, and as you can see I am perfectly fine on my own. But thank you for dropping by.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me, Dominique?”
“Um, no, Sir. I just meant if you were busy or if you had somewhere else ...”
As I was talking, I looked up and saw my words were not having their desired effect. His chiselled features seemed to harden further as I spoke, and my words died a lonely death. It was silent for a long moment before Paul spoke again. “Do you expect me to report ‘all is well’ when you have greeted me at the door half dressed, chose to offer me a drink in a manner unbecoming, and you lied and became evasive when questioned?” I gasped, my hand covering my mouth. Now I was really ashamed. God, Andrew will be so annoyed. “Stop hesitating!”
“N-No, Sir. I wouldn’t expect a good report, Sir.” More silence.
“Well, Dominique, I propose we ensure that you are properly dis
ciplined right now, to ensure some continuity for you while Andrew is out of town.” I gulped. He didn’t mean ... “Where is your paddle, Dominique?”
“Um, p-paddle Sir?” I blurted. “You don’t actually intend to paddle me without Andrew being present, do you? I mean ... I don’t know if ...”
“Y-Yes, Sir?”
“If Andrew was present, I doubt it would be me paddling you. When I said Andrew called me to look in on you, I assure you he also gave me very clear instructions as to how to deal with. He has given me free rein, Dominique, completely free rein. Perhaps you would like to call him and question him yourself?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.
I knew Paul was one of Andrew’s best friends and I’d been warned he was coming over and that I was to do as I was told. Andrew would be angry if I called, wouldn’t he? I had to trust Paul, didn’t I? Besides, if I was good, maybe I could defuse the situation. Holding my shaking hands still, I smiled as sweetly as I could and said, “Sir, I am very sorry for doubting you. I promise I will not question you or hesitate again, if it is my Master’s wish.”
“Very good Dominique, I am pleased to hear that. Now where is that fucking paddle?”
“It’s time to broaden Dominique’s horizons,” I said down the line.
“Like we discussed,” Paul responded.
“Yeah. I’m over on the west coast for two more days. You can let her know I’ll be coming home early and tell her to pack our bags for Dean’s. She’s heard of the place.”
“Man, you don’t muck around. Okay, I’ll visit her tomorrow night. Call me if you have second thoughts, okay?”
“You know me, Paul. I’ve made my decision.”
“I hope this goes how you planned.”
“I’m about ninety percent sure it will.”
“Let’s go over my part again.”
Woodenly I got up and walked over to the sideboard and opened it. I couldn’t believe it when I took out the paddle and stared at it in my hands. No one but Andrew had ever paddled me, or spanked me, or anything! How would I react? All I knew was that I didn’t want to displease my Master. But I hoped my Master wasn’t testing me. What if he knew how I reacted? Would he be pleased?
I looked at Paul and wondered what it would be like, to be punished by him. He beckoned to me and smiled that boyish smile of his. Until that moment I hadn’t realised there were tears flowing down my cheeks. Quickly brushing them away with the back of my hand, I trudged back over to Paul. I was so confused. Am I thinking too much? Or not enough?
Kneeling before him, I offered him the paddle. I was starting to feel woozy. Maybe it was the alcohol, but I knew better. Lately I’ve enjoyed being punished. Not the actual punishment itself, but the adrenaline release afterwards, the high and the thought that everything was perfect again ... Even the anticipation, the nerves and the idea that I am about to be released from guilt, that I’ll be his good girl again ... God, I hated disappointing Andrew ... But oh, I just swooned with pleasure even as he corrected me ... And it was never that bad. But what would this be like? My blush was racing up my neck and coursing across my cheeks.
“I want you to know I’m doing this for your own good. Now, come around the back of the couch here and lean over it,” he said, climbing to his feet.
Oh my God, he’s going to see everything! I felt like I was on a runaway train and there was nothing I could do to stop it. My ass had already started tingling and he hadn’t even touched me! Where will this end? What if he tries to fuck me? I don’t think I could stop him! Should I be? Maybe I should have called Andrew when I had the chance. It’s not fair! OH MY GOD!
At that moment Paul lifted my robe and exposed my behind. A stinging slap zinged through my ass and brought every thought to a standstill. My feet were locked together and I was bent right over, whimpering.
“Spread your legs, you stupid slut. That’s not how naughty girls get spanked.” Oh my god oh my god ... He shouldn’t be here what am I doing it’s not fair I mustn’t let my Master down no please don’t touch me there it’s not fair ... “Stop thinking and listen to my voice. Nothing else matters.”
It was almost impossible. His fingers were brushing over my ass as I spread my legs! “Y-Yes. S-Sorry, Sir. I-I’m listening.”
“Andrew and I have been friends for a long time. I know what he expects.”
“Shut up and listen!” I bit my lip. “I like you, Dominique. And I want to be able to tell Andrew you were a good girl. Do you understand?” I nodded vigorously. It’s not a good idea to argue with a man with a paddle in his hand. “Every time you argue, we do this over. Now, how many, Dominique?”
I was dumbstruck. I wasn’t usually asked. Andrew usually started at ten, depending ... “T-Ten, Sir?”
“Very well, I would have thought five but you should know how many you deserve better than I. Brace yourself.”
“I want it straight in my mind,” Paul said.
“I can understand that. Basically I want to deepen her understanding of the freedom/servitude dichotomy ...”
“Whoa! Wait a minute. The what?”
“Sorry, dude. I’ve been thinking a lot about this.”
“It shows!”
“I just mean the growing feeling of freedom one has, the deeper and closer they get to their Master.”
“The trust thing. Okay, I understand.”
“Yeah. I want you to shake her up a bit. Well, a lot really. She knows to expect you, but I haven’t told her when. I’d suggest between nine and ten. Being a weeknight she’d be tired and would probably be masturbating before sleep. I want you to check in on her and let nature take its course. She will submit, Paul. I’m sure of it.”
“It will certainly be a pleasure. How do you want her to feel afterward?”
“At first, confused, ashamed, fearful of my reaction. Later you can tell her I said anything was ok, and you can let her call me to confirm, but I doubt she will. Her mind should be doing cartwheels by the time you are done with her.”
“And then what?”
“Then I’m taking her to Dean’s.”
“This weekend? You mean straight away?”
“Yeah. Strike while the iron is hot.”
Paul chuckled. “You have such a way with words, Andrew. We were invited up there but we can’t go this weekend, so I know he has a free bed. Does he know you’re coming?”
“Not yet, I’ll call him tomorrow night, it’s getting a bit late.”
“Yeah, it’d be party time up there about now. It gets pretty crazy. Are you sure she’s ready for it?”
“She will be. It’s time. It just feels right.” After a short silence, I had to add, “Paul, I’m trusting you with a heavy responsibility here.”
“I’m by your side, my friend. As always.”
“Thanks, that’s what I wanted to hear. It’s a good plan.”
“Well, all I know is, I’m going to enjoy this.”
“You are going to love it. I take it you’ve already talked about it with ‘yours’?”
“We’ve discussed it and it’s fine. Leave it with me.”
“I already have.”
I clenched my teeth as tightly as my fists in the fabric of the couch. I shrieked and held on through each of the wallops. Tears coursed down my face and before I knew it he whacked me as hard as Andrew ever had and counted ten. It was over. My breath was wheezing in and out of my lungs, my heart going a mile a minute. And my ass burnt like crazy! But the worst thing was I had to stay where I was and not move. I could feel myself dripping and buried my face in my hands in shame.
“It’s alright, Dominique.”
He was right behind me, lifting me by the shoulders into a standing position, my burning ass pressed against his clothed but clearly aroused cock. Putting his arms around me, he told me how beautiful I was and started kissing my neck. In moments his hands were under my robe gently holding then massaging my aching brea
sts, pinching my rock-hard nipples and rolling them in his fingers. God, I was so aroused.
All the feelings from being interrupted earlier, a little alcohol, my most obvious submission to him, my confusion and my punishment... Even being punished in the same place Andrew had ... It all seemed to double how amazing I felt. Paul really is a yummy man and feeling his hardness against me and his lips on my neck made me melt in his insistent hands. My body knew what it wanted.
And yet, in my mind I begged Andrew’s forgiveness for my weakness. I should have been doing more to stop Paul. But I didn’t know whether I should ... it wasn’t fair! He led me by the hand up to the master bedroom. I was practically hyperventilating. There before us my clamps and vibrator were strewn across the bed.
“The scene of the crime,” he muttered.
Without warning he pushed me onto the bed, face first. I started to back up on my elbows, breathing hard. He grasped me by the ankles and twisted me, turning me over and throwing my legs apart. I was so ashamed by how hot I was I just flopped back and closed my eyes, praying my Master would forgive me for what I allowed to happen.
Not a word was spoken as he stripped and laid my robe aside. He climbed onto me and I gasped as he slid his very hard and very thick cock straight into me. He was no match for Andrew in length but by god he stretched me good. In no time I had given into my passion. I felt so weak and so ashamed. I swore and cursed him for his endurance as wrapped my arms and legs around him and he fucked me through three orgasms. He fucked me fast, then slow, then fast again. It was blissfully good. He was driving me insane with pleasure when suddenly he stopped and I felt him throbbing inside me. He said he was very close. Then he pulled out.
I lay there for a moment trying to catch my breath. When I opened my eyes, he was gone! Getting up on very shaky legs, I looked around upstairs, then made my way downstairs to find him. God, I’d been so well fucked. I was finding it hard to remember why I felt guilty. I mean, I felt repulsed by my weakness, and embarrassed by my behaviour, but mostly I felt well fucked!